We live in an exciting time. Although many Believers are frustrated with the ways society and culture are on a terrible downturn, God has a plan. The passage that comes to mind at such times says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood God will raise up a standard against it.”
As western society began to fall apart in the sixties and seventies God poured out His Holy Spirit on millions of people in a massive world wide revival. Young men and old along with women and children had supernatural experiences of redemption and found their hearts burning with a fire that was unquenchable.
Those people, most of whom were called Baby Boomers, went out into various professions and brought dramatic changes to every profession, institution, organization and ministry. Some went to seminary thinking that the best way to pass their burning hearts to the world was professional church work service.
Most did not become professional clerics but chose professions and careers that in times past were considered secular”. Now we know that there is no such thing as secular work for God’s people. These Spirit filled kids attended colleges, got married and reared children, worked all over the world and studied the Bible in small groups to develop a level of practical spiritual maturity rarely ever seen before in history. What now?
It is forty years later and those Baby Boomer Kids are now grand parents, retired executives and wondering what is next. Back in the early days of the Jesus Movement Revival they were all asking, “What challenge is next for me to accomplish in the power of God’s love?” Now they are asking, “What’s next for me; a retirement home?”
We have a population of Seasoned Believers with the best education, the best Christian training, the best professional experiences and the best financial condition in history. Despite these amazing facts there are few places open to the leadership of these gifted, talented and experienced men and women. Why?
The sacred secular split in Christian thinking. Ever since Constantine decided to merge the church and state the western world has seen life split between some activities that were “holy, pure and godly” and others that are “Unholy, impure and ungodly”. This evil lie from the pit of hell has always been a severe block to expanding God’s Kingdom but is presently so pernicious that it must be attacked and defeated.
A lack of leadership who understand how to recruit, mobilize and encourage Seasoned Believers to grab the gusto in any and all areas of life. The men and women who dominate “sacred” organizations are severely biased against mature persons as well as those who have been successful in other careers. Many church leaders do not have the self confidence or ability to recruit and release people who are smarter, wealthier and more experienced than they. They are essentially digging holes and burying their talents.
It takes wisdom, creativity, skills and knowledge to understand how to unleash Seasoned Believers in non traditional ways.
Seasoned Believers are anxious and unsure how they can minister in a secular world. Wise leaders will have to open the doors for these talented, mature and gifted men and women.
Sweeten Life Systems is searching for ways to open doors for Seasoned Believers. In 2008 we held a kick off to cast a vision for a Significance Center, a movement not a place that will gather Seasoned Believers and inspire them about ways they can overcome the blocks to full engagement at this most important time in life. If you are interested in joining up with us leave a cooent.