Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another Country Heard From

I am amazed at how many nations are represented by people who read my blogs. In the past day I have had clicks from Oslo and Bergen Norway. I think the Oslo visitor is Jens-Petter Jorgensen, a member of the Sweeten Life Systems International Board. Jens-Petter is a man of great wisdom and experience among world leaders. He has observed and written many books and articles over the last 30 years dealing with the movements of the Holy Spirit.

We are also being visited by folks in Holland, Brazil, Russia, Singapore, The Philippines, Malaysia, Canada, England, and more. Wow! This little log of my ideas and concerns travels around the earth every day.

I wish more people would comment on the blog. That would make it more interesting and exciting. Maybe I need to create some controversy by writing my own questions like the politicians do. I could write and ask, "Dear Dr. Sweeten, I am just ten years old but I wonder, do you believe in God or are you just faking it?"

Then I could reply, "My, that is a tough question. But many tough questions are being asked by young people these days. Yada, yada, yada."

Oh well, I don't have to fake my questions because this is all my own ideas. Besides, I am not running for any office so nobody really cares. I do wonder, however, why some people get so radicalized about an election. I am interested but not a fanatic. I have some preferences and hope my side wins but God will be sovereign no matter who wins.


Paula Clare said...

Hi Gary,
Just wanted you to know, your Brave Heart link on this page seems to be broken...I keep getting a "page not found" error message.

I've had folks visiting my art blog from France, Singapore and Brazil. It just blows my mind that ANYONE would care what kind of arts and crafts some unknown counselor in the US is into. YOURS is a much more international flavor...with folks from Lifeway all over the world. Cool. The blogosphere is one of the best ways I know to globalize and bring about revival...of ALL sorts!


Gary Sweeten said...

Paula, Thanks for the heads up on the link. I think I have it fixed. No wonder we are not getting a lot of cross traffic.

It is pretty cool that you are now known around the world...Can a girl from a small town in southern Illinois find success in Paris, London and Singapore?

"YES!" Never before have we seen the time when ordinary people with an extraordinary God touch people in every nation despite a lack of wealth and power.

God is on the move with so many liberated Seasoned Believers.