Saturday, March 22, 2008


ECCL 5:1 Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong.Guard your steps.

Put a hedge around yourself; make sure you have appropriate boundaries on your thoughts and actions by self-discipline.

As you go to the house of God. This is the dwelling place or a resting place of the most high. It is not a building but the tabernacle of God. The Tebernacle for Christians is within themselves. As we go inside place boundaries around our heart and mind.

The Tabernacle can also be a prayer group that meets in His Name. Have discipline when you meet with God. Draw near to Shama.

One of the most important words in the Old Testament is Shama. It means, "Give attention, understand with an undivided focus; with a clear mind and heart. Attend to God and interact with Him."

Rather than offering a sacrifice of fools who do not know they are wrong.

What a verse! Some foolish people do not even know they are doing evil (unethical, immoral, or injurious) behavior toward God and man when they meet for prayer but do not listen and only talk.

A Way of Prayer

In order to "abide" in Christ and allow the noise and static of the day slip away from our mind it is necessary to learn how to meditate. The most common barrier to hearing God comes from an inability to rest and focus my mind.

Remember, Jesus promised in John 14 to leave us the Holy Spirit so we would not be lonely or afraid. The Spirit is with us and in us and He wishes to guide us. Can you believe that the Spirit of God has a stronger desire to speak to us than we desire to speak with Him? Why, then, is it so rare that we hear Him?

Too much interference. Perhaps there is so much going on in us and around us that the "still small voice of the Lord" has trouble breaking through. Here is where meditation can help us.

Christians, unlike Buddhists, and Hindus, begin by meditating on something rather than nothing. The Eastern "mantra" is a sound such as, "OOOMMM". For Christians it is different. We focus on a passage of scripture, a prayer or the Name of Jesus. A famous Russian phrase often used to facilitate meditation is:

Lord Jesus Christ

Son of the living God

Have mercy on me, a sinner.

Try this or a prayer and see what happens. Is it helpful to your being calm and ridding yourself of anxious thoughts? Are you more peaceful?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Seasoned Believers

A few posts ago I challenged you to guess how many people 45 and older live in the nine counties we call Greater Cincinnati. A few took the plunge but I suppose the risk of being off by a few thousand people kept some from guessing.

My buddy Ron Tate has read numerous books, demographic studies and census reports and here is his report. There are some 870,000 people 45 and over around the beltway in Greater Cincinnati. That is a lot of people.

Is your church doing anything to appeal to this huge demographic? This group is the richest, most experienced and best educated cohort of Seasoned Citizens ever. To ignore them is to risk spiritual and economic ruin, yet I know of few churches that have even thought about reaching out to the more mature among us.

The number of Seasoned Believers among the 870,000 total is unknown. Some researchers indicate that about 2/3 are unchurched. Modern church planters and church growth experts do not, to my knowledge discuss reaching this group.

Some Seasoned Believers have told me that Pastors were threatened by their skills and gifts and refused to involve them in significant ministries. I believe it.

Our ministry is looking for men and women who are successful in life and who want to serve God more fervently now that they are reaching midlife. A retired physician volunteered to assist in a local hospital. When he showed up ready to use his forty years of medical experience the administration assigned him to wash and refill water bottles.

A friend was attending a small country church near Cincinnati when the Pastor was called to active duty in Iraq as a Chaplain. There were three retired ministers in the church but the denomination would not allow them to volunteer to fill the empty position. They were, however, allowed to help plant flowers and clean the church.

In fact, I was told by a young Pastor in Cincinnati that I should "step aside" so he and the young city leaders could take over and run the renewal ministries in Greater Cincinnati. The new organization they had formed to "bring renewal to the city" lasted about six months but the one headed by us old geezers is still in operation.

Can this be what the Bible meant for Elders? Does God want the experienced and well off Elders to play golf all week? Does the term Elder mean people in their fifties and sixties should just get out of the way?

What has happened to turn ministry/servanthood into an exclusive club for professionals? Are the 2/3 of the Seasoned Citizens who now fit the description as "Church Alumni" staying away from church because they are not allowed to fully use their talents, gifts and experiences?

In April we are going to look at some of these issues when we gather at River Hills Church in Loveland, Ohio. Write me for more information.

Gary Sweeten

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Abiding in Christ

One of my most important insights on hearing God speak came as I was preparing for our workshop. While reading John 14 it occurred to me that the first part where John says, "Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God believe also in me. In my father's house are many resting rooms and I go to prepare a room for you."

In the hundred times I have heard this passage used as a text for preaching it is in a funeral. Thus, it is famous a s "Funeral Text". But I disagree. That passage is a foundation for living not one for dying.

If we read all of John 14 and 15 it become clear that Jesus is preparing us for the need to "dwell" in one of God's "resting rooms" as Believers in Jesus.

A following text reveals God's plan to enable us to dwell in God. Jesus says, "You will have the Counselor, the Holy Spirit to be with you and in you." This changes everything I do.

As a Pastor, Counselor and Coach I realize that the Counselor has more wisdom, insight and knowledge than I. I was taught in grad school that I was the expert who should be telling others what to do. This statement indicates how badly I was taught.

Now I expect that the Counselor in them and with us can give them guidance and wisdom greater than anything I could think or imagine. What a relief! God has given us both the same Counselor.

We must trust that the Counselor can and will speak. While meeting with a Pastor about training his elders, the term "Legacy" came to my mind. It was somewhat surprising that that term appeared in my thoughts because we were not discussing the future.

About thirty minutes later I said, "We need to remind the Elders that they are influencing the future of their children." He replied, "Legacy is very important to me. I speak on it regularly."

So, God brings things to mind regularly and often if we listen. In the midst of a conversation, while reading or writing the Counselor in me will speak gently, subtly and carefully, so learning to discern is important.

I am still getting notes from our Saturday participants who reveal visions, word's guidance and insights they received during our time together. Thanks for keeping me informed.

Contributions to Sweeten Life Systems are tax deductible and are the only source of income we have to continue our ministry to leaders here and around the world.

Sweeten Life Systems

P.O. Box 498455

Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hearing God Stories

Marie Martin and I were praying together at the monthly healing service when a lady came forward and asked for prayer as she knelt. She explained that her cancer had gotten so bad that there was little medical hope for recovery.

Marie and I developed the habit of seeking God before we petitioned Him for healing. So, we asked for guidance and Marie asked the lady a question. "I have the impression that you and your husband are having conflict. Is that correct?"

"No. We are fine," she replied.

So, we bowed in seeking prayer again and for the second time Marie asked about her husband and her relationship. "No, we are fine," she said.

The third time it happened again and Marie said, "I cannot pray for you to be healed of cancer because I keep getting that there is a root of bitterness and anger." This time the lady screamed, "That no good SOB raped my daughters and I hate him."

Marie calmly said, "Well, we need to get that healed first before we pray for cancer." This is why we seek God before we speak to Him about acting.

Gary Sweeten

Monday, March 17, 2008

Dialogue Prayers

I taught a very brief workshop Saturday on "Dialogue Prayer". This is a process whereby Believers get together and discuss issues with each other and with God in faith that they can hear His voice. In the process we carry on a dialogue and do not get stuck in a monologue. This is not easy because we are much more used to monologues than dialogues.

It might be helpful to describe some different ways we can be involved in these times of "Dialogue Prayer". During the too brief workshop, we were in small groups of five to ten people. (Ten is a bit large.) We remembered that Jesus promised in John 14 to place the Holy Spirit with and in us. Thus, the Spirit is in our midst and within each person. When we gather it is easy to talk to God while we are talking to each other.

Usually someone shares a need and starts the prayer circle and everyone focuses on that person and need. During the dialogue we may become aware of as new idea, a passage of the Bible or a picture that fits the need. The idea or passage could be shared and the group may stop and analyze the idea. Here is an example.

One of the members needed a new job. We asked for wisdom and guidance from the Spirit. We paused and thanked the Lord for His concern. Then, one person saw a vision of a man and heard the name of a state so he shared it. The man looking for a new job said he was presently discussing a job with a person from that same state.

This gave us all a feeling of God's presence and concern for us. We then went on to other topics.
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P.O. Box 498455
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

Hearing God

At the Day of Prayer Saturday we encouraged folks to think about times they had encountered the Lord personally. We heard a variety of stories, starting, for many, with the encounter of conversion.
One of my most memorable encounters came when I was twenty years old and was in my 1957 Ford Fairlane heading as fast as possible for a dance hall and tavern eleven miles south of my home in West City next door to Benton, Illinois. West City was a notorious village where gambling, dance halls and booze dominated the economy and it had a history of violence and underage drinking.

Just south of my home on Route 37 while driving I experienced an encounter with God. I was just passing the Clabber Girl advertisements and headed into the Burma Shave signs when it happened. Not a very likely place or condition for God to break into my consciousness.

Many people talk about the importance of "Deciding to follow the Lord". I had decided a few years earlier to follow Lord Gary. My plans that night proved it. But God had another plan. He chose to interrupt my misery and false sense of importance and bring me back to following Him. I was drawn to faith in Christ at age ten but circumstances and teenage rebellion tempted me to "fun". Now God was reeling me back in.

The car filled up with a heavy, fog-like presence of the Spirit and I distinctly heard His voice. "Gary, choose this day whom you will serve." I was stunned but I knew it was the Lord. My shock came from hearing it so clearly while driving to a gambling and drinking party. That did not fit my theology.

I had been in churches and prayer meetings all my life. My Maternal Grandmother, Mom Taylor, went to house church meetings and often heard the Lord speak. I was around such people so I knew that God was not silent. So, when He spoke, I answered. "Lord, to whom else can I go? Only You have the words of life."

When God chased me down beside the Burma Shave signs it was the beginning of a great ride. It occurred fifty years ago this summer and I have been radically different ever since. Soon afterward I began hunting for a Christian wife and God supplied her. We have over 46 years of bliss together. God is good.

What is your story? Can you remember times when the Holy Spirit showed up in a dramatic or gentle manner? I will relate other times but I want to hear from you.

Gary Sweeten
Sweeten Life Systems
P.O. Box 498455
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
A lifetime of great relationships

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day for Prayer

Karen Sweeten and Dawn Donovan Serve Us

Great Food, Great People and Great Prayer

Dialogue and Prayer

Day of Seeking God

Almost fifty of us gathered at the Crestview Presbyterian Church in West Chester, Ohio just north of Cincinnati on March 15 for a time of Seeking God's voice. In light of the statement by Jesus that, "My sheep know my voice..." we decided to work on doing just that.

John 10:1 "I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. 3 The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." 6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but they did not understand what he was telling them.

Maybe we are like the Disciples and are confused by this saying. But, we decided to try it out. And we did. Here are a few photos of the church and the day.

In my Father's house are many rooms.

Are you ready for Easter? I hope to help you prepare for one of the greatest days in the history of the Church and humanity. I am currently studying what it means to be in union with Christ or abide in Christ. This is a central aspect of the Orthodox Church Movement. It is, unfortunately, largely ignored in Roman Catholic and Protestant circles. Perhaps that is because we in the West think like Greek Scientists. Thankfully, Orthodox theology and practice is much more Eastern, as is the Bible.

Yesterday, Saturday, March 15, about fifty of us had a half day of seeking God's presence so we might dwell in Him. It was a great day. Over the following posts I will share my insights and show photos of our time together.

What do you think it means to "Abide in Jesus Christ?" Almost the whole of John 14 and John 15 is focused on describing Jesus' description of the future of Christianity. Yet, many of the conversations and discussions as well as the sermons largely miss the point.
Here is my challenge. Read John 14 and try to imagine what Jesus is talking about. Do not read John 15 yet. Yield not to the temptation to look at the metaphor Jesus used to explain what He meant.

Now, write out what it means to abide. Use other terms and other concepts. In fact, write your own metaphor or word picture as if you had to describe it to another person.

Send your insights and ideas to me and I will print them. The best metaphor will receive one of my books free and get their name and picture on this blog.