Thursday, December 20, 2007

News from the Real World

I read the electronic Wall Street Journal almost daily and in it I find good writing and articles about life and business and the business of life. Sometimes the articles amaze me. Take a look at this one on the Juggle Blog.

There was an opinion piece in yesterday’s Journal that looks at the possible sociological consequences if many women are able to freeze their unfertilized eggs. The author argues that given the choice, many will pursue careers until their 50s, then opt to have children.
One passage, about the disillusionment some women face when trying to balance a career and a family, caught my eye:

Many young men and women go through high school, college and professional school often mistakenly assuming no differences in their respective trajectories . . . When I suggested to a 22-year-old female medical student that she consider a career in anesthesiology because the hours were flexible enough to raise a family, she shot back: “I went to Harvard! Now I’m going to Johns Hopkins! I’m going to be a department chairman someday! And you want to put me on the mommy track?”

Seven years later, when this woman applied for a job as an anesthesiologist, the first question she asked me was: “I’m trying to have a baby. Can I go part time?

The author concludes that egg freezing will allow women “the freedom to leisurely follow the male career trajectory . . . no more lurching from Harvard to the mommy track.”

As "Seasoned Citizens" how do you respond to this article? How would you like to start your family at age 50, frozen eggs and all? I am sure a lot of our readers are 50 and older. I am happy to have grand kids now but I only have enough energy and resilience to care for them a day or two before I run out of steam. As Lily, the five year old said, "Papa sleeps a lot."
One of the things we do is try to offer wisdom and support to our kids and grand kids. I was driven to succeed; to be somebody when I was a young dad. Because of my driven lifestyle in the ministry I missed a lot of things with my kids. But, we traveled together and I made sure I coached all of Tim's teams, even soccer.
We lived several hundred miles from our parents. I wish we had been closer. Now I see how important grand parents can be.
Karen and I try to be with our kids and grand kids whenever we can. Last night we had a wonderful time at a Christmas program at Lily's church school. It was great to see her. Jacob sat next to us singing with his sister and going through the liturgy like a pro. Nothing can be better than that.
Last week we drove to Pittsburgh to be with Jack as Tim and Shelley had places to go. In a year or so we will drive up there to see him sing at a Christmas program. We would gladly fly to California if necessary. We love it because we love our kids and grand kids. I am thankful they did not wait until age 50 to start having kids. We could not see them or be with them if they did.

Any comments? Write me at

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