Monday, April 14, 2008

Thank God for Immigrants

Many Americans are anxious about immigration. Lou Dobbs of CNN, overseas it stands for The Communist News Network, is a poster boy for hyper anxiety and fear mongering. His anxiety plus that of several right wing radio commentators is causing near panic among Christians. I think that such fear and worry is a serious misunderstanding of God's plan for American Christians.

First, God changes nations and national identities. Nations never stay the same.

Second, immigration makes missions much easier than ever before. I have visited foreign countries over 100 times over the last few years and I have seen the desperate needs among their people. I have been able to teach the pastors, missionaries and lay leaders how to minister the gospel to others.

Overseas missions are still needed but the world has changed. Now we live in the global village because God is bringing so many foreigners to our shores and our doors. Donna Thomas, a veteran missionary with a tremendous track record overseas, is now very active in teaching people how to reach their cross cultural neighbors in the USA.

Do not be afraid, dear Christian friends. God is bringing people here to see and know Christ and our nation will be stronger for it. Boldly ask God to lead you to folks from overseas. They are often very interested in knowing Christians and learning about our faith.

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